Drain Plumbing Reprise

With the room opened up and a new layout planned, it was time to install all the drain plumbing for the toilet, sinks, shower and tub.  Since the toilet, tub and shower are all right along the outside wall, that plumbing could all go in one cavity and easily accessible to the stack.  What wasn’t so easy was the drain for the sinks.  Being on the opposite wall, the drain line needed to go through all of the joists – which had previously been doubled up to add support.  

The entire purpose of this otherwise boring post, is to make it clear that the holes that were drilled for this plumbing were the minimum size necessary not the 8” square holes previously cut through the joists (which led to the aforementioned support project). 

Drain plumbing runs at a quarter inch per foot slope (per code) and an extra vent line was added to the shower/tub run since the shower is a bit far from the vertical vent where all the plumbing comes together.  The sinks will have their own vertical vent line.  


Author: osuengineers

We are Amy & Shawn and this is the home renovation story of the flood house we bought in Houston, TX. After binging on too many episodes of Fixer-Upper and since we weren't finding any already remodeled houses we liked, we took on the ambitious project of renovating a house flooded during Hurricane Harvey. This blog will chronicle the whole process and the projects we undertake - and probably some funny stories along the way.

2 thoughts on “Drain Plumbing Reprise”

  1. Another huge project. It amazes me how much you must fix & repair. You’ve done this all along, hopefully you can focus and stay positive on how nice it will look when done. 😊


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